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Play the Game

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You are a plant breeder and these are your tasks: 1.) Protect your field from thieves and elephants. 2.) At the end of each round take care that your plants become more resistant and defy climate change through clever cross breeding of seeds. 3.) Increase your crop yield and become Maize King!

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Use a simple text link:

<a onclick="window.open(this.href, 'game', 'width=840, height=680'); return false;" href="http://seedwarriors.org/game/">SEED WARRIORS Game</a>

Use an image link (160×120 pixels):

<a onclick="window.open(this.href, 'game', 'width=840, height=680'); return false;" href="http://seedwarriors.org/game/"><img src="http://seedwarriors.org/game/game.jpg" width="160" height="120" alt="SEED WARRIORS Game" title="SEED WARRIORS Game" /></a>

Watch the trailer.
