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How can we make a difference?

That’s not an easy question to answer. But if we want to avoid what could easily be the biggest food security crisis we’ve ever seen, we must all try do become part of the solution.
Here are some suggestions by our protagonists and experts:

David Lobell

Agro-Ecologist Stanford University

»Well, I think the first rule is to educate yourself. If you really want to make a difference, I think you first want to understand the problem, and what are the real solutions and what are not the real solutions. Because there’s a lot of things out there that are put forward as solutions, and I think it requires a pretty educated citizenry to identify what really could work. And beyond that I think helping others to understand the issues, and also to maybe, devote some time, devote some resources towards these solutions, I think is really something that anybody can do.« Read more »


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